Perth Apartment Management

What we offer 

MLG Realty’s sister company, Perth Apartment Management, has been created to exclusively care for MLG’s property management clients.

Being a specialist in the Apartment Market, and looking after this very specialised market only, this provides us with a significant point of difference to our competitors.

Apartments vary in many ways to traditional houses, and should be managed accordingly. 

Our specialist services include:

  • Defects management with new buildings.
  • Access to and from controlled strata areas.
  • Specialised rules and responsibilities of tenants to ensure you are not liable for your tenants behaviour.
  • Understanding the third party rules which apply to the buildings.
  • Security and understanding that others live in the property as well as the tenant.
  • Understanding Covid-19 policies and procedures when entering common properties

We are offer a suite of services, which are detailed further in this downloadable document.

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